54 Clothing Ltd.
5 For The Paws
54 Clothing was started by a mom and her two children. Seeing a great and constant need from shelters and rescues for support, 54 Clothing was born. At 54 Clothing, we believe all animals, large and small, deserve the best of care.
That is why we give 5% of all sales to shelters doing the job of caring for them until they find their forever home.
By partnering with animal shelters and rescues, customers will be able to choose which organization that you want the 5% from your purchase to be donated. We are in the process of bringing on more shelters and rescues as partners. If you know of one that would like to participate, please contact Brenda at brenda@54clothing.ca or 780-518-9397.
DID YOU KNOW...That you can CUSTOMIZE your purchase??
That's right! You chose the type of garment, the color and size you want and choose one of our amazing logos.
Animal Rescue and Shelter Partners
Bandaged Paws Animal Rescue - Grande Prairie, Alberta
Saving Grace Animal Society - Alix, Alberta
Zoe's Animal Rescue - Edmonton, Alberta
See more details on the Partner Page
Our CEO Brenda does the table prize draw, from the Spirit River Christmas show, of a $50 gift certificate.
Our CEO Brenda introduces herself and our store.
54 Clothing Contact Us
Questions about online clothing sales, tshirts, hoodies any questions at all, comments or special requests? Get in touch today, we’re happy to help.
9014 89 Ave Grande Prairie AB T8X 0C4